Recover Password

Are you are a member of the Hartford Ski Club? Did you forgot your username or password? If we have your email address on file, we can email a password to you.

Just enter your email address or username and then press the Send Password button. The username on file and a new password will be emailed to you.

Why a new password? We take security seriously: we do not store your actual password in the database, but a hashed version. When you sign in we hash your input and compare it to the database. This way, even if someone gained access to the database your password would be secure. For more information on this level of security you might watch this video.

Your email address or username

Hartford Ski Club facilities and events are available to members and their guests only.

The electronic mail addresses listed on this web site are for Hartford Ski Club business only, and are not intended for commercial use such as Unsolicited Commercial Email, also known as spam or junk email. Inappropriate use of the email addresses on this web site will be considered theft of service.

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